Sunday, November 10, 2013

What Are Exotic Shells?

Exotic Shotshells are shells that break away from the "norms" of your typical shot. 

There are many different types of shells that classify as "Exotic" shells, such as "Flechette" (20 steel darts), "Dragons Breath" (Magnesium Pellets), Rock Salt shells, and more.

Why is there the opportunity to shoot fire and darts out of your shotgun? - BECAUSE YOU CAN, of course! [NOTE: You actually may not be able to. Make sure your bore, choke, and gauge is correct] :)

The Purpose:
The purpose of exotic ammunition is to accomplish things that you cannot with any other type of ammunition. Whether that be firing pepper gas, darts, or explosives at your target - there really is no GENUINE reason for it! It's just fun - and effective!

The Effect:
Here are some examples of the use and effect of some exotic shotshells:

Dragons Breath (Magnesium Pellets)

Flashbang Shells

Multiple things can factor into the spread as well, such as:

1.) Barrel length

2.) Chokes (Tighter or wider shot patterns)

3.) Bore (CRITICAL) - Nobody wants exploding barrels or shredded shotgun interiors.


But essentially, this is what "Exotic" Shells are, and what they do!

More articles on the way! Stay tuned, Shotgunners!

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